Ozarks Technical Community College was established in 1990, with the first classes held in 1991. It is a two year college offering Associate degrees, with many of its graduates going on to earn a bachelor degree. The main campus in Springfield MO has grown so fast that there are now 5 campuses in the surrounding area. These shots are of the newest campus, the Richwood Valley Campus in Ozark, MO, which is holding its first classes this semester.
That's a neat looking building
I really like the bottom shot. Nice composition.
As many times as I travel to Springfield each year I cant believe I have ever seen this. Thats an amazing building.
Great looking building and nice architectural shot. Would be fun to among the students or teachers to have their first term there.
Holy cow! They have 5 campuses now??
Thats a cool building. I will have to go see it when I come down next month!
The bottom photo is very nice. The building has such wonderful lines which you've placed well in the image. I would like to see a little room between the left overhang of the roof and the side of the frame, though. Also, you might want to play around with the perspective tool and make the building walls parallel with the frame, though it's not much of an issue here.
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