Saturday, March 17, 2007

Victim of the Ice Storm

We are still recovering from the ice storm in January. Much of the debris has been picked up by the city and county, but it will take the landscape a long time to recover. Many trees were lost, or so damaged they had to be cut down, making this photo a familiar sight. I was hoping to retake this today to try some different angles and positions, but it is very overcast and there has been a little snow and a little sleet, so I am just going ahead and posting this shot.


Obsidian said...

The fact that this has been clearly felled deliberately adds a certain sadness to the overall story. I am a sucker for this kind of picture anyhow and love the way you have caught the rings, at the point where there will be no more growth.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a very old tree :-( I think I heard somewhere that when the rings are far apart, the tree is older, but maybe that's my imagination.